External or internal thermal insulation: which one to choose?
In internal thermal insulation, thermal insulation plates are placed inside the walls or ceiling of a house or business premises. This has the result that
Nikos Vourlakis
Nikos Vourlakis
Nikos Vourlakis
In 1995, after many years of experience in the field of building materials, we opened a store selling building materials in the area of Maleme, Chania.
At the beginning, having a limited variety of products such as aggregates, bricks and some timber.
Over the years we have evolved into a modern building materials shop suitable for both private individuals and professionals active in the building field.
In internal thermal insulation, thermal insulation plates are placed inside the walls or ceiling of a house or business premises. This has the result that
Use a lint roller to clean the paint roller Wipe – dust the walls before painting them for a smooth finish Cover the dyeing bowl
Renovating the bathroom is an extremely important process, as it concerns one of the most basic spaces in the house and therefore needs attention and
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