- Use a lint roller to clean the paint roller
- Wipe – dust the walls before painting them for a smooth finish
- Cover the dyeing bowl with a bag or aluminum foil to avoid washing
- Cut a piece of concrete to put your paint on and use as a support for your brush
- Put nails in the legs of the tables and chairs to paint evenly all the way down
- Put the old adhesive tapes in the microwave for 10 seconds to loosen the edge
- Cut the ends off the used rolls so that they don’t leave splashes in the most difficult places
- Use the “W” or zig zag method for an even result
- Put petroleum jelly on places you don’t want the paint to get, such as the screws
- Put a rubber band in the center of the paint can to drain your brush
- Soak used brushes in hot vinegar for 30 minutes to clean them
- Put film or nylon on the open paint container to close the lid without sticking afterwards